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Moths and to a lesser extent, butterflies, are extremely scary and evil agents of death that plot to kill your family while they sleep. They even start out as the disgusting, creepy and evil super villain bastard Dr.Caterpillah (suckish name I know but don't point it out he's sensitive about it)
But that's another story for another time. Anyway it is completely rational to be afraid of them, yet upon being informed that I'm afraid of them people say one of, or a combination of the following:
"That's stupid, they're more afraid of you than you are of them"
Unsurprisingly this is epicly false, they are terrifying, they know it and they use it daily in their quest to eliminate the human race and gain control of the earth. If ever you find your self thinking "Hey that's a cute, small and harmless insect", remember this, all moths are evil spies working for a secret organization whose sole purpose is to destroy all the things that make you feel happy and good inside.
(sorry that, that pic is so big)
"Seriously, they aren't scary" says the idiot

Wait, what? You said moths aren't scary? Bitch, do you see that clearly un-doctored and totally real picture? Even if we set aside the fact that they are former super villains that now work for evil secret organizations, apparently some people don't accept that fact, they are still scary. Just look at that fire-eyed, death-winged, spiky-toothed, bitch-moth. Scary oozes from its every pore! It even has a hardcore bad-ass tattoo proclaiming that I must die.
"Moths are just ugly butterflies, so no need to be scared"
That's like someone telling you that they're afraid of sharks and you saying that sharks are just ugly dolphins, its kind of true but not really. Not that it really matters to me, the fact remains that butterflies and moths are disgusting, evil bastards in collaboration with evil ninja. There is every sensible reason to fear both butterflies and moths.
At long last we come to the response I receive most frequently:
Its quite unbelievable how many
"HAHAHAHAHAHA" recognize the laugh? >:D
ReplyDeletebut it's was for the hilarity of the blog, not the ridiculous fear of moths and butterflies. :)
christine tse it is not ridiculous!